Main Forum >> Freedom Of Information Responses & Requests >> FOI response - Exeter University

Message started by idb on Nov 1st, 2005 at 9:42am

Title: FOI response - Exeter University
Post by idb on Nov 1st, 2005 at 9:42am
Note the lies which I have highlighted in bold.

Thank you for your e-mail of 17 October 2005 requesting information regarding the use of 0870 telephone numbers in student residences, under the Freedom of Information Act.  Each of the issues raised in your e-mail is answered below.

1 - What are the equivalent geographic numbers (ie overlay numbers) for all services that currently operate using 0870 numbers. It is not necessary to provide individual student room numbers, rather how an 0870 XXXXXXX number is translated to an 01 or 02 geographic equivalent.

The service is outsourced to Keycom.  They have chosen this inbound number, we are not aware of any geographical inbound numbers for this service.

2 - Why did the University of Exeter introduce 0870 numbers for halls of residence / student accommodations? Please provide any supporting information, for example meeting notes etc.

The decision to use 0870 numbers is that of the service provider, Keycom after they took over CampusLink; the University of Exeter was not involved in this decision.  Please see the attached copy of a letter sent from Keycom to University Hall Managers/Supervisors in April 2002, outlining the background to the change to 0870 numbers.

3 - How much revenue/rebate does University of Exeter receive from the use of non-geographic numbers?

The University does not receive any revenue or rebate from the use of 0870 numbers or from Keycom.  Keycom provide the service free of charge to the University and to students.

4 - Which company supplies the non-geographic numbers?

The telephone service is supplied by Keycom.

5 - Is University of Exeter fully aware of the difficulties experienced by overseas callers attempting to dial non-geographic numbers and the increased costs faced by UK callers in contacting these numbers? If so, why does the university persist with such telephone numbers?

We are not aware of any difficulties experienced this academic year to date.  In 2003/4 difficulties were experienced by some students in particular from China, Canada and Germany.  Focus group meetings were held between student representatives and Keycom.  These were organised by the Guild Welfare Representative at that time and attended by students and the Assistant Director of Hospitality Services (Residences) to discuss the problems experienced.  Notes of one such meeting are available, indicating that the problems with Canada were resolved. A copy of the notes is attached.

In December 2003 the then Deputy Director of Hospitality Services raised concerns regarding the use of 0870 numbers with Keycom. In response Keycom explain that there is no obligation for international carriers to carry 0870 calls to the UK and that there is little consistency in the charging of these calls.  The e-mail, also explains that the vast majority of countries and carriers within those countries do carry 0870 calls to the UK at the same rates as the geographic numbers.  Carriers that do not are very much the exception rather than the rule and Keycom are happy to approach individual telecoms companies to ask them to review their position once they have been identified. A copy of the e-mail is attached, please note that individuals names have been removed from the e-mail under the Data Protection Act.

6 - The use of 0870 numbers for public enquiries contravenes the government's own advice regarding the operation of public services (source: COI 'cost to citizen' update). Why is the COI's advice is being ignored in that University of Exeter, as a public body, continues to operate 0870 numbers? Has the COI advice been considered and if it has, please provide meeting minutes and any other supporting information that relates to this issue.

The phones provided in the bedrooms are for students’ private use and are not there to offer advice as a public service.  All official University contact numbers use the local telephone number code, 01392.  It should be noted that there is no line rental for the telephone service provided to students in University residences and that students have free calls to other Keycom phones in the University and also to the University network.  The phones and services are provided to the University at no cost with no line rental or connection charges.

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