Main Forum >> Government and Public Sector >> Wiltshire "One Council" to use 0300 Message started by Dave on Aug 24th, 2008 at 5:44pm |
Title: Wiltshire "One Council" to use 0300 Post by Dave on Aug 24th, 2008 at 5:44pm
Like in other areas, councils in Wiltshire will merge on 1 April 2009. Plans are afoot to use 0300 contact numbers.
Unfortunately, they appear to be under the wrong impression of how much it costs to call. I don't know who's told them it costs 1p/min! Source: Towards One Council Newsletter 23 - 15/08/08 Quote:
Source: Access to you briefings July 08 - Q & A's Quote:
Title: Re: Wiltshire "One Council" to use 0300 Post by derrick on Aug 25th, 2008 at 11:49am Dave wrote on Aug 24th, 2008 at 5:44pm:
Maybe they mean what it will cost the council? calls to 03 numbers attract a charge to the recipient. e.g; - |
Title: Re: Wiltshire "One Council" to use 0300 Post by NGMsGhost on Aug 26th, 2008 at 5:59pm Dave wrote on Aug 24th, 2008 at 5:44pm:
They aren't merging any councils in Surrey on 1st April 2009. The idea of four large unitary authorities or a single unitary county council (for which this would have been the change date) was considered a couple of years ago but firmly knocked on the head (think of all the redundancies for councillors and more importantly still highly paid district and borough council Chief Executives). Surrey Police also managed to dodge being merged with Sussex or any other Police forces. Meanwhile the County Council carries on with their 0845 number as the only publicised number for contacting them despite the protestations of Simon their Contact Centre Manager that he is working on bringing in an 03 number may be this year, next year, some time, never........ And that after four years of such promises by Surrey County Council. :o >:( :'( |
Title: Re: Wiltshire "One Council" to use 0300 Post by Dave on Sep 5th, 2008 at 7:16pm Dave wrote on Aug 24th, 2008 at 5:44pm:
I sent them an e-mail pointing out their error as well as information on typical call costs. I also proposed a message which might accompany the telephone number(s) they will use. They have thanked me for my input and provided a copy of the message that they will use which is: Quote:
I think it's key that pricing messages like this go alongside 03xx numbers, where space permits. This will help the public understand what 03 is and alleviate any suspicions which may arise that they are another "rip-off" number or that they are free. |
Title: Re: Wiltshire "One Council" to use 0300 Post by NGMsGhost on Sep 6th, 2008 at 11:24am Dave wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 7:16pm:
Dave, I agree with all of the strapline you have given the Council to describe calls to 03 numbers except for "The council takes no income from calls to 03 numbers." That is assuming this final part was your idea and not theirs? I would avoid the phrase "The council takes no income from calls to 03 numbers" purely because of the disgraceful way this phrase has been used to excuse their actions by all the councils and police forces who use 0845 numbers and who do in fact get a hidden benefit by the back door (lower phone system contract cost etc) from using 0845. Of course with the passage of time and more 03 numbers being in use and people finding they are not charged at premium rate like 084 and 087 calls then the need to emphasise the positive status of 03 numbers for the calling public will begin to fall away. But I agree that for now it is important that those organisations who have done the right thing stress the point to the public by making it clear that calls to 03 numbers are always covered by inclusive call plans on fixed lines and bundled minutes packages on mobiles. |
Title: Re: Wiltshire "One Council" to use 0300 Post by Dave on Sep 6th, 2008 at 3:57pm NGMsGhost wrote on Sep 6th, 2008 at 11:24am:
This bit was added by the Council. I have to say, I agree with its use, although I see what you mean when you say it has been misused by those who allow their telco to take the maximum amount of the termination charge which I believe that, with 0845, is about five times that of 01/02/03. |
Title: Re: Wiltshire "One Council" to use 0300 Post by NGMsGhost on Sep 6th, 2008 at 4:07pm Dave wrote on Sep 6th, 2008 at 3:57pm:
And more importantly that this allows the telco to pass part of that increased termination charge back to their client as a benefit in kind e.g. through lower phone equipment price, lower outgoing call cost, cheaper phone line rental etc, etc, etc. I stick with the fact that the council should only say these 03 numbers cost the same as calls to numbers starting with 01 and 02 and are always also covered by inclusive phone bundled minutes or any free calls period to landline numbers on fixed line phones. And that this is an obligatory requirement of the regulator Ofcom (to catch out shysters like Post Office Homephone and who pretended they didn't know about the amended General Condition 14 for several months after it had been imposed and only changed after my formally registered complaints to them and Ofcom). |
Title: Re: Wiltshire "One Council" to use 0300 Post by Dave on Mar 1st, 2009 at 2:35pm
Source: Wiltshire Council Newsletter January/February 2009 Q. How will I get in touch with my council? A. We want to make sure you can speak to someone who can help you – first time, every time. All of the local council offices you usually visit will still be open, except in Salisbury where there will be a new office opening at 27/29 Milford Street. The new general enquiry telephone number from 1 April 2009 will be 0300 4560100, but existing local numbers for direct services will still be in use. Ring us, email us or call in to see us in person at the offices nearest to you. Q. What about ringing the council? A. Wiltshire Council will have a new 0300 telephone number and the cost of calling the council will be the same as the local calls you make. This will vary according to the sort of call package you have: local calls are often free or as little as 1p/minute for people on inclusive packages. The council takes no income from calls to 03 numbers. The new general enquiry telephone number from 1 April 2009 will be 0300 4560100 |
Title: Re: Wiltshire "One Council" to use 0300 Post by NGMsGhost on Mar 1st, 2009 at 3:26pm Dave wrote on Mar 1st, 2009 at 2:35pm:
The retention of the underlined phrase about taking no income etc is unfortunate since that terminology is so frequently utilised by the leading 084/7 number abusers. |
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