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Aberdeenshire Council - 0845 "Lo Call" rate (Read 6,254 times)
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Aberdeenshire Council - 0845 "Lo Call" rate
Aug 10th, 2008 at 9:23pm
In Scotland a number of police forces have gone to 0845, and they and other public services such as NHS24 are happy to mislead citizens that 0845 is somehow "local rate". Aberdeenshire Council is no exception with its various 0845 numbers.

The subject of the 0845 numbers was brought up in the 2005 Residents Survey:

3.18 Some concerns were evident about a move to 0845 numbers, which included:
  • A perceived loss of locality, which could contribute to the sense of remoteness described earlier.
  • Potential confusion of 0845 numbers with premium rates numbers.
  • The additional costs which people would incur if their “normal” local costs were already covered in their phone package.

Due to the relatively occasional nature of contact, the latter point was generally no more than a mild annoyance.

Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon response which a number of police forces also maintain as justification for employment of these numbers.

A news release from Aberdeenshire Council of 1 February 2008 reads:

Aberdeenshire tenants to benefit from improved service
1st February 2008

Tenants within Aberdeenshire Council will benefit from an improvement to their housing repair service when the council launches a new system for requesting repairs on February 25 this year.

The council has made improvements to the service making it much easier for tenants to request housing repairs.

Under the current system, tenants are required to use one of 10 different telephone numbers to request repairs.  However, under the new system tenants will now have a single number to call, regardless of the nature of the request or their location.


The new 0845 number will be distributed to tenants via a tenant newsletter prior to its introduction.

At the end of the Tenants Newsletter for Winter 2007 it says:

STOP PRESS… 0845 number for repairs

From 25th February 2008 you will be able to report a repair at any time using the out of hours 08456 08 12 03 number.

So this number is for 24/7 use!

7.4 The use of the CRM service will provide a cost effective single telephone point of contact for all Aberdeenshire tenants, making use of a single local cost 0845 telephone number covering all of Aberdeenshire and beyond.

And at the meeting of the committee:

Having heard from the Area Manager (Marr) on the detail of the proposals, the advantages of the transfer which included a single point of contact for all tenants, a reduction in duplication, the provision of an extended customer service and savings to be achieved, the Committee agreed –


(3) that the Area Manager confirm that the use of the 0845 number would be charged at Lo Call rates and would not increase call costs for tenants.

This is a "local rate" number. This means that the cost of telephoning the Fund will be the same as making a local call, no matter where you are in the country.
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Re: Aberdeenshire Council - 0845 "Lo Call" rate
Reply #1 - Aug 11th, 2008 at 9:02am
You say in your web site:

"Calling 0845 601 8815
This is a "local rate" number. This means that the cost of telephoning the Fund will be the same as making a local call, no matter where you are in the country."

This is in breach of Trading Standards Guidance 180805 which states amongst other things:

"You should not state that callers will be charged local or low rates for 084x numbers

You should not state that callers will be charged the same rate regardless of where in the Uk they call from

You should not use the term local rate or terms that could imply a lcal rate eg Lo-call."

The guidance also highlights the unlimited fines that can result from doing so under the Consumer Protection Act.

In addition the ASA has found against a number of organisations for doing so.

I'm surprised by a council flouting Trading Standards rules.

The reason for these rules is that local calls have not existed since 2004 therefore to imply they will be cheaper is very misleading and all calls cost the same regardless of where you call from so this statement is also misleading and is only allowed provided you sate other calls will cost the same also.


Thank you for your email.

When we first started using the 0845 number we were told that it was a lo-call rate number.

We have recently become aware that some people actually get charged more for these numbers depending on their provider, etc.

We have started advertising an 0115 number as well so that people can choose which number they ring us on.  This is now on our letterheads and information leaflets.

I am sorry that the number is still being advertised on the website and will have it changed immediately.

Best wishes

Jon Duckworth
For the Social Work Directorate
Independent Living Funds
PO Box 7525
Nottingham NG2 4ZT

(0845) 601 8815
ext 1773
P The ILF asks that you consider the environment and only print this e-mail if absolutely necessary.


Thank you Jon. You might like to change it on your email as well
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Posts: 378
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Re: Aberdeenshire Council - 0845 "Lo Call" rate
Reply #2 - Aug 11th, 2008 at 9:07am
And they have asked for details so they can make the change Smiley
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