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Why no Complaints Commissioner for Ofcom? (Read 3,718 times)
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Why no Complaints Commissioner for Ofcom?
Aug 27th, 2008 at 1:21am
In the course of dealing with the Financial Services Authority over their stubborn and repeated refusal to accept that they are in breach of the advice of Ofcom, the COI and Sir David Varney over their continued use of an 0845 number for their Contact Centre I have now reached the stage of deadlock where I have been told I can go to the Complaints Commissioner (www.fscc.gov.uk) if I am not happy with the FSA's response.

However what I want to know is why does it seem impossible to reach deadlock with Ofcom over a complaint in the first place as their favourite tactic is not to reply at all to a complaint or otherwise to try to pass the buck to another body like Otelo or Cisas.  And even if one could ever manage to reach the office of the Chief Executive with a complaint at Ofcom (he seems to consider himself far too important and well paid to ever deal with mere members of the public) and achieved deadlock (a seemingly impossible thing to do at Ofcom as no complaint is ever properly investigated by its lousy Contact Centre staff) why is there no Complaints Commissioner one can appeal to if one's complaint becomes deadlocked as one can with the Financial Services Authority.

In short why does Ofcom and its overpaid senior bureaucrats seem to be utterly unaccountable for its pathetic record of incompetence, duplicity and ineptitude in respect of failing to ever control the scourge of cover premium rate 084/7 numbers. Angry Angry Angry
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« Last Edit: Aug 27th, 2008 at 9:03am by NGMsGhost »  

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Re: Why no Complaints Commissioner for Ofcom?
Reply #1 - Aug 28th, 2008 at 5:05pm
NGMsGhost wrote on Aug 27th, 2008 at 1:21am:
In short why does Ofcom and its overpaid senior bureaucrats seem to be utterly unaccountable for its pathetic record of incompetence, duplicity and ineptitude in respect of failing to ever control the scourge of cover premium rate 084/7 numbers. Angry Angry Angry
Here here.  However, this isn't limited to just 084/7 numbers but basically everything that Ofcom regulate.  It just seems they aren't interested and dont want to investigate any complaints from, as you say, us mere members of the public!
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