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0871 regulation - Pre-consultation (Read 37,634 times)
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Re: 0871 regulation - Pre-consultation
Reply #15 - Sep 26th, 2006 at 12:34pm
I suggest those that want to ensure that being charged for call queuing is prohibited reply to this consultation and let them know.

I'd just remind ICSTIS that despite what they say call queuing can be a big problem as mentioned in the press like here and from it I quote:-
Then I went back to the website and found, in the small print, a number that was only 10p a minute. I rang this eight times and was always held in a queue. The longest I waited was about 20 minutes


Mariane Cavalli, who lives in London, contacted us after trying to get proof from the airline that she cancelled a flight. She wasn't even seeking a refund, just a letter of confirmation, but she, too, ran into a wall of silence - and hours waiting on an expensive 0871 phone line
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« Last Edit: Sep 26th, 2006 at 12:35pm by bbb_uk »  
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Re: 0871 regulation - Pre-consultation
Reply #16 - Sep 28th, 2006 at 9:48am
The deadline for this consultation is tomorrow (Friday) and hopefully if enough people respond to this consultation it will convince ICSTIS to ensure call queuing on 0871 numbers is prohibited and costs are always displayed when anyone publishes an 0871 number - just like 09x numbers now.

Their consultation looks like they only want to apply very "light" regulation as customer detriment, according to them, is low and is likely to be low except where the number is used for chat lines and not general call centres like customer services, tech support, etc.
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Re: 0871 regulation - Pre-consultation
Reply #17 - Sep 29th, 2006 at 8:34am
The deadline for this consultation is TODAY.
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Re: 0871 regulation - Pre-consultation
Reply #18 - Sep 29th, 2006 at 8:50am
bbb_uk, thanks for the reminder. I haven't read the document, but I intend to send a short response. Thanks for posting the questions and your draft responses. Have you thought of anything further that you have added?
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Re: 0871 regulation - Pre-consultation
Reply #19 - Sep 29th, 2006 at 10:48am
Dave wrote on Sep 29th, 2006 at 8:50am:
Have you thought of anything further that you have added?
Just highlighting that despite what they may think there is likely to be customer detriment even more in the future when revenue sharing on 0870 stops as companies are likely to migrate to the next highest revenue earner for them which is 0871.

I plan on reminding them (mentioned in my summary) that they've had thousands of enquiries about 0871 so that to me proves there is consumer detriment now which is likely to get worse once revenue sharing from 0870 is removed.

I'm also going to remind them that consumer detriment is more likely on call centre usage of 0871 (cust serv, tech support, etc) as this will be the MAIN use of such number rather than live chat lines which is rare so ensuring that live chat line use is given greater regulation than call centre usage doesn't make sense.

I'm also going to remind them that press reports some recent have highlighted cases where us consumers can be held in queues (15mins recently reported) but can be higher and this is where the call charges are mostly expensive - not generally from the few minutes you may actually be speaking with the call centres.

The whole consultation sounds like they want the lightest regulatory touch for 0871 numbers.
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Posts: 19
Re: 0871 regulation - Pre-consultation
Reply #20 - Sep 29th, 2006 at 12:39pm

why dont you sum it up and say the 0871 number is a Premium rate number and should be treat as so. That is the bottem line.  Ask them what they think it is.

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« Last Edit: Sep 29th, 2006 at 12:43pm by Bobbyboy »  
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Re: 0871 regulation - Pre-consultation
Reply #21 - Sep 29th, 2006 at 2:20pm
why dont you sum it up and say the 0871 number is a Premium rate number and should be treat as so. That is the bottem line.  Ask them what they think it is.
We all know it's a premium rate number and so does Ofcom/ICSTIS but both Ofcom/ICSTIS DON'T WANT IT TO BE KNOWN THAT THESE ARE PREMIUM RATE NUMBERS as that would mean possibly jeopardising the revenue that Teleco's and companies make.  Right now these numbers, to most consumers, are still known as 'national' rate and even for those that are aware they cost more I bet you they're not aware that revenue sharing exists on this and other NTS numbers.

It's useless informing ICSTIS of something they're aware as they want to keep the actual use of 0871 (ie to earn revenue same as a premium rate number) unknown from consumers hence why Ofcom want ICSTIS to apply lighter touch regulation and a completely new name for them and possibly new website so not to have them actually known as premium rate numbers.

Basically hide all this from consumers.

In my opinion, all consumers should have a right to know any number that is a premium rate number (whether 09x or not).  Of course, Ofcom don't want this and will do their best to hide it from the consumers.

If a consumer knowing the cost of these numbers from where they're calling from and the fact they are a premium rate number (albeit on a smaller scale than 09x) numbers and continue to ring them then that is fine with me as that means consumers have made a fully informed choice on ringing them.  Most consumers now are not remotely aware of all of this so when ringing these numbers aren't doing having been fully informed.  In fact, if anything its because they misleadingly think they are either 'local' or 'national' rate.
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« Last Edit: Sep 29th, 2006 at 2:25pm by bbb_uk »  
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Re: 0871 regulation - Pre-consultation
Reply #22 - Sep 29th, 2006 at 3:02pm
bbb_uk wrote on Sep 29th, 2006 at 10:48am:
The whole consultation sounds like they want the lightest regulatory touch for 0871 numbers.

And if they were to bring in more stringent rules like no queuing, then they would have to investigate complaints from pesky consumers. This will mean increased costs and therefore they will cross this off as not an option.
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Re: 0871 regulation - Pre-consultation
Reply #23 - Sep 29th, 2006 at 3:16pm
What about mentioning the fact that not giving pricing information is breaking certain EU directives? Which directives?
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Posts: 19
Re: 0871 regulation - Pre-consultation
Reply #24 - Sep 29th, 2006 at 3:48pm

The issue is not what OFCOM or  ISCTIC want 0871 (or 0845 or 0870) to be, but the fact that they are Premium Rate numbers. This is not because I say so or anyone has an opiniun but that the EU Commission termed them so. See link to Liz Lynn website on this issue. Please do not also forget that OFCOM tellls ISCTIC what to do as it is an arm of OFCOM.

As I have said repeatedly:   being Premium Rate numbers they must (as dave also mentions)
1. conform to the Misleading Advertising Directive - that is disclose the cost of the call before hand and must not mislead consumers that they are a costs of a normal call when they are not,

2.  Treat Consumers unfairly in a anti consumer practice.  The fact that they want to generate money out of consumers in my view is a unfair and unjust practice.

3. There is no reason to have 0871 or 0845 or 0870 as they provide no diffrent service then what was provide when businesses had land lines.

4. It is a fact that all businesses that have 0871  or 0845/0870 all have land lines. and it also a fact that if consumers were given a option to dial direct - even to India, or the any where in uk it is cheapr then being diverted by 0871/0845 or 0870.

Then ASK OFCOM and ISCTIC if they prepared to be investigated by the EU Commissioner and tell OFCOM and ISCTIC that you want this sites view that it cannot take part in Consultation - because of their deception to mask a Premium rate number when the commissioner has called them so.


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« Last Edit: Sep 29th, 2006 at 4:01pm by Bobbyboy »  
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Re: 0871 regulation - Pre-consultation
Reply #25 - Sep 29th, 2006 at 4:39pm
Pricing competition on services cannot work because call queuing is permitted. This assumes that call prices have to be displayed, as well.

Take a 10p/min service and a 5p/min service. The 5p/min queues calls, but the 10p/min doesn't. As a whole, the 5p/min service which appears to be half the price, is in fact more expensive due to call queuing.
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Re: 0871 regulation - Pre-consultation
Reply #26 - Sep 29th, 2006 at 5:04pm
Dave wrote on Sep 29th, 2006 at 4:39pm:
Take a 10p/min service and a 5p/min service. The 5p/min queues calls, but the 10p/min doesn't. As a whole, the 5p/min service which appears to be half the price, is in fact more expensive due to call queuing.
That's what I've tried to get through to ICSTIS by mentioning I'd much prefer to ring an 09x number costing 10p/min rather than the current 0871 number costing the same.
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Re: 0871 regulation - Pre-consultation
Reply #27 - Sep 29th, 2006 at 6:28pm
As this pre-consultation is over I've removed it as a sticky.

It appears to be around February 2007 when the final consultation will be released.
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Re: 0871 regulation - Pre-consultation
Reply #28 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:41am
Bobbyboy wrote on Sep 29th, 2006 at 3:48pm:
Then ASK OFCOM and ISCTIC if they prepared to be investigated by the EU Commissioner and tell OFCOM and ISCTIC that you want this sites view that it cannot take part in Consultation - because of their deception to mask a Premium rate number when the commissioner has called them so.

I told them in my 8 page response that I would be making sure personally that they would be investigated by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards and by the European Commissioner if they failed to impose the same rules and the same branding on these 0871 numbers as all other Premium rate numbers starting 09.

I pointed out that in Ofcom NTS Way Forward the proposals were that 0871 be fully ICSTIS regulated and the only weasel excuse given for leaving it on the old 0871 numbers was the usual rubbish about how difficult it would be for business to move numbers etc, etc.  So strange then that Ofcom don't mind at all about all the companies now stuck with a Premium Rate so called Lo-Call 0845 number will have to change to a new 03 number if they don't want many of their customers to pay a 35p a minute premium rate from some mobile phone providers.

My suggestion was that because the use of 0871 for a premium rate number was inherently deceitful and misleading that they actually needed more high profile branding and notices to ensure that these weren't confuses with 0870 when those numbers become charged at geographic national rate.

I did complement them on making their proposals in only 20 pages rather than the 200 it usually took Ofcom but I still said I thought they could have had more charts and diagrams.  I said I had given up hope on responding to Ofcom consultations making any difference to the final regulations proposed but was hoping that it might be worthwhile in their case.

I'm sure though that they will still press ahead with the original Master Plan as agreed in smoke filled rooms with Bodge It & Scarper Carter.  And we will I'm sure have to go all the way to the European Commission if we are going to bring an end to the misdeeds of all of Ofcom's most unprincipled and careerist snout in the trough employees.

I said Ofcom was a "compromised regulator" in my ICSTIS response clearly implying that they wouldn't want to fall into this trap.

I did notice that in the Consultation document they suggested they were only looking for consumer groups to respond though - perhaps they were hoping for a complementary response from the Ofcom Mealy Mouthed Consumers Panel for instance who recently  had another vacancy but again refused to call me for an interview for the third time in just over a year (notice how no one from the Ofcom Cronies Panel ever campaigns publicly against Ofcom policies in the national press).  I bet it will come as a shock to ICSTIS when they get 30 or 40 real individuals responding but its a shame it won't be 1,000.  Most people have lost heart by now with these crooked regulators who pretend to consult and even have the cheek to suggest to the press they are doing something positive about 0870 while actually making arrangements first to let the cost go up by 3p per call with BT and then to let the whole 0870 scam increase in cost from 7.51p peak rate to 10p per minute at all times.

Unfortunately I didn't respond to the Numbering Plan Review a few months back because I knew I would have spent ages on it but it wouldn't have made any difference because it was clear it was already a done deal given their previous statement on the results of NTS Way Forward and how they were going to tackle 0844/0845/0870 and 0871.

I only responded to this consultation because it was ICSTIS to give them a chance to show they are not like Ofcom.

With an Ofcom consultation I honestly think you might actually achieve more by going and padlocking yourself to the doors of Riverside House and calling a Press Conference.  Its clear that Ofcom think they can just ignore what the general public want and instead do what the business cronies of New Labour want them to do with impunity. Angry Angry Angry
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« Last Edit: Sep 30th, 2006 at 1:44am by N/A »  
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Re: 0871 regulation - Pre-consultation
Reply #29 - Sep 30th, 2006 at 2:11am
bbb_uk wrote on Sep 29th, 2006 at 6:28pm:
As this pre-consultation is over I've removed it as a sticky.

It appears to be around February 2007 when the final consultation will be released.

I particularly went to town on them saying they were worried that the current timetable was meetable in their questions section and told them they had damn well better meet it because they had already delayed at least 2 more years than everyone thought and we were about 10 years on from the start of 084/7 scamming.

I also asked in my response email if they will be publishing the responses to the consultation on their website as Ofcom do.

I also slammed them over them saying in the questions that they only particularly wanted the views of call centre trade bodies on call centre waiting times.  I suggested they should want all of our views and that my view was that any time call queuing should be reverse charged to the call centre on the same basis as the 0800 system as then call queuing would become self policing as any call centre that had long queues would then find it was costing  them a lot of money.  Otherwise under the current system those who provide bad customer service get paid extra.  Also I highlighted known 0871 call centres like Easyjet where you can wait up to 2 hours on 0871 only to get cut off before they ever answer.

I told them that what was effective and proportionate for the development of an effective consumer protection scheme was dirty great fines these proven call centre cowboys wouldn't forget and surely if they had learned nothing else from dealing with overseas "you've won a big prize" 09 number callback scammers and unsolciited reverse charged text message senders it should be that having tea and crumpets with these kind of people and giving them more time doesn't work.  Since when did your local council send you a polite friendly note to go in and have a chat if you failed to pay your parking ticket or your council tax on time.

Did anyone see that program Whistleblowers the other day about how Bailiffs use outrageous money with menaces techniques and  falsified charges for non existent visits to intimidate the generally poor and needy.  So its a jackboot for Mr and Mrs Socially Deprived but a nice friendly chat for the I Used to Be at Uni with Stephen Carter head of Call Scammers Unlimited UK. Wink Shocked
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« Last Edit: Sep 30th, 2006 at 2:12am by N/A »  
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