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NHS hospitals on 0844 rip-off numbers (Read 263,704 times)
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Re: NHS hospitals on 0844 rip-off numbers
Reply #180 - Jun 6th, 2011 at 1:47pm
sherbert wrote on Jun 6th, 2011 at 1:40pm:
Indeed, the person who made this ridiculous statement in the past and seems to find it acceptable to charge for car parking at hospitals, I believe lives in London where there is a pubic transport system that most of us would 'die' for, if you will excuse the pun.

A case of 'I am all right Jack' springs to mind

So you believe that in areas where public transport is a plenty, then hospital parking should be free - and this is on the basis that other areas where there is limited public transport should be free also.
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Re: NHS hospitals on 0844 rip-off numbers
Reply #181 - Jun 6th, 2011 at 2:21pm
My point is well known on this site.

All hospital car parking for out patients and family and friends visiting in patients should be free, as it is in Scotland & Wales. I shall continue to fight for this. We now seem to have a NHS system controlled and taxed by Whitehall but Scotland & Wales allow free car parking (and free prescriptions). This can not be fair.

My doctor's surgery has a very large free car park, they do not charge their patients for the privilege of seeing them

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Re: NHS hospitals on 0844 rip-off numbers
Reply #182 - Jun 6th, 2011 at 3:29pm
Barbara wrote on Jun 6th, 2011 at 1:25pm:
    It is also a fact that many hospital appointments run late, often very late, meaning that unless it's a "pay on exit" car park, and very few if any are, people end up putting perhaps more than necessary into the machine to cover themselves, also patients are sometimes sent to other areas, such as for a blood test, after the appointment so this can cost a fortune.

Non "pay on exit" charges discriminate against patients.

Visitors can control their timing so that they use the paid for time to the maximum extens. Patients can't do that and end up paying as much as double to visitors' charge.
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Re: NHS hospitals on 0844 rip-off numbers
Reply #183 - Jun 29th, 2011 at 12:37am
sherbert wrote on Jun 6th, 2011 at 2:21pm:
My point is well known on this site.

All hospital car parking for out patients and family and friends visiting in patients should be free, as it is in Scotland & Wales.  
This is simply not practical. Hospital parking charges should be proportionate, fair and consistent with the surrounding area. Exemptions should be permitted according to medical or financial need. Free parking is open to abuse. Monitoring vehicles to prevent abuse will add cost. While some parking costs at some facilities is not acceptable, and the implementation of some parking systems is not ideal, a blanket free-for-all is unworkable.

I worked at both University College and Charing Cross hospitals in the 80s. I do not recall any free public parking at either facility at that time, nor would I have expected such a lavish arrangement. I certainly would not expect, in 2011, to drive into Hammersmith and expect to park, at no cost, at a major hospital.
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« Last Edit: Jun 29th, 2011 at 1:45am by idb »  

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Re: NHS hospitals on 0844 rip-off numbers
Reply #184 - Jun 29th, 2011 at 8:07am
Well in that case why is a hospital (In Manchester I think) has abolished all hospital car parking charges? They found it practical and if they can do it so can others as have all the hospitals have done in Scotland I believe.
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Re: NHS hospitals on 0844 rip-off numbers
Reply #185 - Jun 29th, 2011 at 8:40am
I'm with sherbert on this one, for reasons which I've explained previously.  Regarding London hospitals, many of these surely don't have car parks anyway and are well served by public transport, we have friends living on the edge of Greater London who would not consider driving their car into London under any circumstances, on the occasions when I had to travel to a hospital in London from North Essex, often with a child, it would not have occurred to me to drive as it would be far too much hassle, never mind the parking & congestion charges.   I think the points sherbert & I are making (& he'll correct me if I've misunderstood!) is that for many, if not most people, there is no adequate means of reaching the local hospital other than by car, they have already paid for their petrol/diesel (a fortune these days) ie their fare & then to be charged again to park amounts to a tax of hospital access, this would also go for visitors as it is considered beneficial in health terms for patients to have visitors, often they actually help & support medical staff in patient care.

Regarding monitoring of who uses the car park, I would refer to Addenbrookes which, prior to charging, used to monitor access to the outpatients' car park by people showing their appointment card/letter, this worked extremely well.  Now, with their expensive multi-storey which might still be more convenient for non-hospital related "parkers", there seems to be no check whatsoever - if you're prepared to pay, you can park.  How's that an improvement?
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Re: NHS hospitals on 0844 rip-off numbers
Reply #186 - Jun 29th, 2011 at 9:16am
Spot on Barbara!

As I have written here before, my nearest hospital  is over 20 miles away and in the next county! To get there by public transport is impossible and you more or less have to leave the night before to get there for first thing in the morning! So, car is the only way to get there....and no I am not advocating that petrol should be paid for as well. We don't expect to pay to park in out of town retail parks, so why should we pay to park at hospitals?
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Re: NHS hospitals on 0844 rip-off numbers
Reply #187 - Jun 29th, 2011 at 10:03am
sherbert wrote on Jun 29th, 2011 at 9:16am:
Spot on Barbara!

As I have written here before, my nearest hospital  is over 20 miles away and in the next county! To get there by public transport is impossible and you more or less have to leave the night before to get there for first thing in the morning! So, car is the only way to get there....and no I am not advocating that petrol should be paid for as well. We don't expect to pay to park in out of town retail parks, so why should we pay to park at hospitals?

Any policy of charging patients is put in place not because it is felt that they should be charged, but as strategy to prevent the undesired consequence of offering free parking, which is that those without business at hospitals will take advantage.

There are many things in life which are so, not because they "should" be in their own right, but because they are necessary as a practical solution to a problem (the undesired consequences).

There is often a fraternity that will argue against something but will not put forward practical solutions. Decisions on any policy should be based on sound logical reasoning for all the issues involved and not just a single part such as whether patients "should" be charged or not.

The protestors who stopped the coal train at Drax Power Station did so on what they claim is the basis of preventing climate change.

These sorts of people don't tend to offer any practical solution. Even though electrical generation is a free-market; they don't set-up their own "clean" power station. They targetted Drax because it is the largest coal-fired power station in Western Europe, but it's the most efficient!!

Let's not beat about the bush here. We don't burn coal for electricity because there is a need to have harmful gases emitted into the atmosphere. We don't drive our cars because we love the polution; we do so because to not do so would be a far worse position to be in.

But we should always strive to mitigate the negative effects as much as we can.
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Re: NHS hospitals on 0844 rip-off numbers
Reply #188 - Jun 29th, 2011 at 12:30pm
I thought I had mentioned a solution, exactly what Addenbrookes used to do for its outpatient car park before it charged, check appointment details, yes it costs but so do many other things in hospitals which are not strictly medically necessary - even down to chairs in the waiting rooms or the provision of drinking water (free - so who pays for the cups?).  With so much technological advance now, it should not be impossible to devise a system whereby patients enter a pin number into a machine (as with door entry systems), visitors could use that relating to "their" patient & this would guarantee admission.   The other alternative would be to refund parking costs on presentation of an appointment document & visitors would be given a card by ward staff (something similar already happens at Addenbookes for visitors of patients in for a few days in terms of reduced parking).  Yes, all these would cost but would also benefit all users in terms of financial savings and considerably reduced stress & worry at difficult times.

As for the idea that hospitals are not doing this because they feel patients should be charged, I disagree.  I accept I am very cynical about health service manager types but I believe they just see this as a revenue stream which they are delighted to use as they are not allowed to make "direct" charges.   Referring to Addenbrookes again, their scheme for visitors of longer term patients is very well concealed, it is often very difficult to discover and often reliant upon the kindness of ward staff in advising relatives.
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Re: NHS hospitals on 0844 rip-off numbers
Reply #189 - Jun 29th, 2011 at 7:28pm
Dave wrote on Jun 29th, 2011 at 10:03am:
sherbert wrote on Jun 29th, 2011 at 9:16am:
Spot on Barbara!

As I have written here before, my nearest hospital  is over 20 miles away and in the next county! To get there by public transport is impossible and you more or less have to leave the night before to get there for first thing in the morning! So, car is the only way to get there....and no I am not advocating that petrol should be paid for as well. We don't expect to pay to park in out of town retail parks, so why should we pay to park at hospitals?

Any policy of charging patients is put in place not because it is felt that they should be charged, but as strategy to prevent the undesired consequence of offering free parking, which is that those without business at hospitals will take advantage.

There are many things in life which are so, not because they "should" be in their own right, but because they are necessary as a practical solution to a problem (the undesired consequences).

There is often a fraternity that will argue against something but will not put forward practical solutions. Decisions on any policy should be based on sound logical reasoning for all the issues involved and not just a single part such as whether patients "should" be charged or not.

The protestors who stopped the coal train at Drax Power Station did so on what they claim is the basis of preventing climate change.

These sorts of people don't tend to offer any practical solution. Even though electrical generation is a free-market; they don't set-up their own "clean" power station. They targetted Drax because it is the largest coal-fired power station in Western Europe, but it's the most efficient!!

Let's not beat about the bush here. We don't burn coal for electricity because there is a need to have harmful gases emitted into the atmosphere. We don't drive our cars because we love the polution; we do so because to not do so would be a far worse position to be in.

But we should always strive to mitigate the negative effects as much as we can.

Works in Scotland, so why not the England? So let sus use their solution.


To quote Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish Health Secretary, when she announced the ending of parking fees in 2008

"It's simply not fair to expect patients or visitors to have to pay when they come to hospital, when they may be suffering personal anxiety, stress or grief.

"Put bluntly, a car parking charge is often the last thing people need."

I think this sums up what Barbara and I have been banging on about.

I am sure someone is now going to tell me to move to Scotland Wink
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Re: NHS hospitals on 0844 rip-off numbers
Reply #190 - Jun 29th, 2011 at 9:43pm
Move to Scotland.

Grin  Wink
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aka NHS.Patient, DH_fairtelecoms

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Re: NHS hospitals on 0844 rip-off numbers
Reply #191 - Jun 30th, 2011 at 11:38am
There are undoubtedly cases where NHS hospital car parking charges are inappropriate and wholly improper. On these cases I am fully behind those who oppose them and would happily throw my weight into any specific campaign. If any such campaign is on-going, then I would be delighted to receive details and will do all I can.

Without going into detail in response to suggestions already made, I cannot see any way that a universal scheme for free hospital parking could be introduced without the risk of serious abuse that would cause it to be seen as unacceptable. Each locality is different with respect to the expectation of having to pay to park, the extent to which each patient and visitor has a need to travel by car and park is different. I wish there were a simple and proper universal answer, but I cannot see it.

I do not want hospitals that have land available for car parking to be forced to sell it off because they cannot raise any return from it. Neither do I want hospitals to be required to acquire car parking spaces so as to provide an equal facility on the grounds of equity.

I believe that this has to be a local issue. Any local hospital that is getting it wrong, e.g. by imposing charges in an area where street parking is available and free of charge, must be subjected to the full weight of campaigning energies.
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Re: NHS hospitals on 0844 rip-off numbers
Reply #192 - Jun 30th, 2011 at 12:07pm
SCV....Why does it work in Scotland?
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Re: NHS hospitals on 0844 rip-off numbers
Reply #193 - Jun 30th, 2011 at 12:22pm
SCV, surely it's where there isn't any free, off-street parking that the issue arises?   If there is free, nearby on-street parking, I would always use that rather than pay to park in the hospital (& used to at Addenbrookes until they colluded with the local council in covering the whole area in double yellow lines!).   As I've said before, in Cambridge even the staff at the P&R used to encourage people to park there & walk to the hospital (about 10-15 mins, bus service quite unreliable eg for appointments) but now, the Council responsible for the P&R is thinking of imposing parking charges in addition to the very high bus fares - I won't go into detail here about the unfair pricing of the P&R which grossly overcharges those only going to the hospital compared to those continuing to the city centre, a far greater distance.  To me, this proves collusion between hospital & council in maximising charges to those having to attend the hospital - a captive market to be exploited to the maximum.

Another stupid example of introducing parking charges was in Saffron Walden; the community hospital had a free car park, they decided to introduce parking charges - everyone moved to parking in the free, unlimited Tesco's car park on the opposite side of the road hence all that equipment installed at great cost, less mobile patients inconvenienced to a degree, & the hospital out of pocket as so few patients then used the car park.

As sherbert said, if they can do it in Scotland, why not in England?  I would add, parking at hospitals always used to be free, it worked then, I suggested monitoring systems to prevent/discourage abuse.

I am not involved in any campaign, I no longer live near Addenbrookes & am involved in battling now with the hospital in Cheltenham where the Trust uses only 0845 telephone numbers!  However, their parking charges are also very high so I will be seeking free on-street parking within 15 mins walk when I have time.
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Re: NHS hospitals on 0844 rip-off numbers
Reply #194 - Jun 30th, 2011 at 1:01pm
SCV.....Off street parking? How old fashioned. I have not seen that for years. Certainly not in my neck of the woods.
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