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Income Support, Claim made, only access is callbox (Read 12,389 times)

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Income Support, Claim made, only access is callbox
Oct 11th, 2016 at 2:44pm
Hi, Id be grateful if anyone could help all the poor people that are living out there, day today, on benefits, looking for jobs, with £57 a week to buy food, electric, gas, clothes, bus fares, Internet, phone, TV, water rent etc etc etc etc.  my daughter has just had a kid 3 months ago (Arya) and she has no money/no phone/no Internet and no friends family and from where she moved to, her fiancée/kids dad left them with nothing and she cant even fone to see whats happing to her income support claim as the only number to fone is the pay number she has no mobile or home fone and has to use a fonebox 60p a minute i believe, and the job center said she cant fone from there as this is not allowed anymore and , unbelievably they said she cant go and spend 2 secs pressing her NI No into the system and just tell her whats happening, all she done was hand her the same piece of paper 2 other JCP's had gave her withe the paid No, except the new claim (top Make one) and they wont entertain her as she is in the system how can she phone them to find out when shell get money when she has no money and has no money to spend ££££'s in a phone box pressing buttons listening to please hold music for an hour just to end up getting cut of or the line going dead etc, there must be a way do find out when shell get paid how much, how does she get paid ie bank, cheque etc? Anyone please help please...!!!this has been weeks, she get child benefit but that £20 a week to feed her (+ 3 Kids), she cant go back to work till she finds money for a sitter (she's a nurse in a nursing home, well  3 homes/jobs at one point, anyway back to the point in hand how can she fone income support when she doesn't get it yet.. please anny help
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Re: Income Support, Claim made, only access is callbox
Reply #1 - Oct 11th, 2016 at 5:07pm

Calls to 01, 02 and 03 numbers made from a BT payphone are 60p for 30 minutes, 80p for 45 minutes or £1 for 60 minutes.

Using a landline or mobile with an inclusive allowance would see no charge for the individual call.
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Re: Income Support, Claim made, only access is callbox
Reply #2 - Oct 11th, 2016 at 8:17pm
Good evening MyHackersPlaygroun

To be honest this isn't really an area we could assist with, however as advised calls to the Income Support line are charged at the same rate as a regular 01/02 call.

I would suggest the Citizens Advice are the best people to visit, a local branch can be found via here (click the word here) and look under "Find your local Citizens Advice" it's in a Yellow box.

If the local office offers an 01/02/03 number, then by all means call them during their opening hours, if not I would recommend visiting them in person.

They should be able to a: let someone use their phones, and b: maybe able to offer advice on other benefits, and may be able to talk to them on the other person's behalf.

I hope this helps.
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Ladock, Cornwall
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Re: Income Support, Claim made, only access is callbox
Reply #3 - Nov 23rd, 2016 at 12:01pm
Ian01 wrote on Oct 11th, 2016 at 5:07pm:
Calls to 01, 02 and 03 numbers made from a BT payphone are 60p for 30 minutes, 80p for 45 minutes or £1 for 60 minutes.

Using a landline or mobile with an inclusive allowance would see no charge for the individual call.

A bit over the top if one only needs a couple of minutes.

They are totally relying on peoplput it down to "everyone" having a mobile, but in some areas one may not be able to get a signal, like in the village where I live, the strange thing is that if I stand inside the BT Payphone in the village I get a really good signal.

How much do you think that BT will be charging for their new super-fast Wi-Fi phone boxes - but only in London (for now), according to BT it will be free,

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Re: Income Support, Claim made, only access is callbox
Reply #4 - Nov 25th, 2016 at 10:25am

Call boxes are cheap.

Making the same call from a landline without inclusive calls would cost around 19p per call plus around 11p per minute. Your 60p wouldn't get you four minutes.

Likewise, the same call from a mobile without inclusive calls would cost around 8p to 55p per minute . Your 60p wouldn't get you to eight minutes. On many providers it wouldn't get you to two minutes.

The corollary is that those with a landline would  usually pay around £8 per month for an unlimited number of anytime calls (of up to 59 minutes duration) to numbers starting 01, 02 and 03. In many cases the allowance would also cover calls to numbers starting 071-075 and 077-079.

On a mobile, most people would pay £5 for hundreds of minutes and hundreds of texts, with the allowances increasing dramatically for every additional few pounds per month added.

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« Last Edit: Nov 25th, 2016 at 10:39am by Ian01 »  
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Re: Income Support, Claim made, only access is callbox
Reply #5 - Nov 26th, 2016 at 9:11am
Ian01 wrote on Nov 25th, 2016 at 10:25am:
Call boxes are cheap.

Making the same call from a landline without inclusive calls would cost around 19p per call plus around 11p per minute. Your 60p wouldn't get you four minutes.

Likewise, the same call from a mobile without inclusive calls would cost around 8p to 55p per minute . Your 60p wouldn't get you to eight minutes. On many providers it wouldn't get you to two minutes.

The corollary is that those with a landline would  usually pay around £8 per month for an unlimited number of anytime calls (of up to 59 minutes duration) to numbers starting 01, 02 and 03. In many cases the allowance would also cover calls to numbers starting 071-075 and 077-079.

On a mobile, most people would pay £5 for hundreds of minutes and hundreds of texts, with the allowances increasing dramatically for every additional few pounds per month added.

TPO, (mobile PAYG sim), https://www.thepeoplesoperator.com/pay-as-you-go#hero-bundles  4ppm, so 60p = 15 minutes.

Talkmobile,(Happy Hour sim), https://talkmobile.co.uk/help#!contact/2337/get-in-touch, (put "happy hour" into the question box for the info), 10p for 60 minutes, so 60p = 360 minutes.

"Talkmobile Happy Hour lets you chat away worry free for up to an hour for just 10p and as often as you like! Calls are 8p per minute after the first hour, UK texts cost 4p and UK data is charged at 2p per MB."

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Re: Income Support, Claim made, only access is callbox
Reply #6 - Nov 26th, 2016 at 6:53pm

Of the eighty million or more active mobile phones in the UK, I would guess that less than eighty thousand are on deals such as those.

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Re: Income Support, Claim made, only access is callbox
Reply #7 - Nov 26th, 2016 at 7:45pm
Ian01 wrote on Nov 26th, 2016 at 6:53pm:
Of the eighty million or more active mobile phones in the UK, I would guess that less than eighty thousand are on deals such as those.

Eighty Thousand ?

In 2015 Three Mobile added 500,000 payg subscribers alone, all on the 3 2 1 payg tarriff, so they could all benefit from 3p a minute calls if they wanted to.
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« Last Edit: Nov 26th, 2016 at 7:50pm by bigjohn »  

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Re: Income Support, Claim made, only access is callbox
Reply #8 - Nov 26th, 2016 at 10:19pm

Even if it is eight-hundred thousand, it's still only 1% of eighty million.

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