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Police introduce charges for non-emergency calls (Read 414,075 times)

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Re: Police introduce charges for non-emergency cal
Reply #315 - May 17th, 2010 at 9:31pm
I have just looked at Devon and Cornwall police web site and they are still stating 08452 777444 as the non-emergency number,I will be submitting a FOI request in the morning asking them as to their policy on changing to 03 numbers and will keep you posted
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NPIA: Child Rescue Alert 0300 2000 333
Reply #316 - Jun 5th, 2010 at 6:05pm
Another one for the Hall of Fame.

Source: NPIA


Child Rescue Alert

The new nationally co-ordinated Child Rescue Alert was launched on International Missing Children's Day (IMCD) May 25 2010.

Child Rescue Alert (CRA) is a partnership between the police, the press and the public. Its aim is to locate abducted children and bring them to safety by using the media to promptly publish details about an abducted child's disappearance to the public. When an alert has been broadcast, the public will be asked to call 0300 2000 333 if they have information that may help in the investigation.

Only calls concerning the current CRA should be made to 0300 2000 333. This is a free phone number donated by Cable and Wireless and it will only be active when a CRA has been declared.

It's great that it's a 03 number, but the misinformation about it being a freephone number is spreading to news briefings from police forces the press.  Cry
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« Last Edit: Jun 5th, 2010 at 6:19pm by Dave »  
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Re: Police introduce charges for non-emergency cal
Reply #317 - Jun 6th, 2010 at 2:00pm
Perhaps they'll correct their error if we all email them (enquiries@npia.pnn.police.uk)

Your website is giving incorrect call charge information.



Child Rescue Alert (CRA) is a partnership between the police, the press and the public. Its aim is to locate abducted children and bring them to safety by using the media to promptly publish details about an abducted child's disappearance to the public. When an alert has been broadcast, the public will be asked to call 0300 2000 333 if they have information that may help in the investigation.

Only calls concerning the current CRA should be made to 0300 2000 333.
This is a free phone number
donated by Cable and Wireless and it will only be active when a CRA has been declared.


0300 200 0333 (in fact, all numbers in the 03 range) are charged at standard 01 or 02 rates.  They are NEVER freephone numbers.

Freephone numbers start with the digits 0500, 0800 and 0808.
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« Last Edit: Jun 6th, 2010 at 2:02pm by Heinz »  

After years of ignoring govt. guidelines & RIPPING OFF Council Tax payers using 0845 numbers, Essex County Council changed to 0345 numbers on 2 November 2015
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Re: NPIA: Child Rescue Alert 0300 2000 333
Reply #318 - Jun 8th, 2010 at 11:11am
Dave wrote on Jun 5th, 2010 at 6:05pm:
Another one for the Hall of Fame.

Source: NPIA


Child Rescue Alert

The new nationally co-ordinated Child Rescue Alert was launched on International Missing Children's Day (IMCD) May 25 2010.

Child Rescue Alert (CRA) is a partnership between the police, the press and the public. Its aim is to locate abducted children and bring them to safety by using the media to promptly publish details about an abducted child's disappearance to the public. When an alert has been broadcast, the public will be asked to call 0300 2000 333 if they have information that may help in the investigation.

Only calls concerning the current CRA should be made to 0300 2000 333. This is a free phone number donated by Cable and Wireless and it will only be active when a CRA has been declared.

It's great that it's a 03 number, but the misinformation about it being a freephone number is spreading to news briefings from police forces the press.  Cry

I phoned them yesterday re this, and was told someone had emailed them also on Sunday, and that they where logging it to their web team, it has now been rectified and the wording re "freephone" omitted

It now reads;- "Only calls concerning the current CRA should be made to 0300 2000 333. This number is donated by Cable and Wireless and will only be available when a CRA has been activated."
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Re: Police introduce charges for non-emergency cal
Reply #319 - Jun 17th, 2010 at 9:58pm
Source: Greenham Parish Council

ON 10 MARCH 2010 AT 7.30 pm


The Chairman said that he thought the 0845 non-emergency number dissuaded people from contacting the police due to its high cost, particularly from mobile phones. He suggested that an 0300 number would be more popular. It was agreed that this suggestion should be pursued, Government departments such as DVLA, FSA and many others are moving towards providing 0300 numbers or providing them as alternatives. The Clerk will investigate.
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Re: Police introduce charges for non-emergency cal
Reply #320 - Jul 11th, 2010 at 6:04pm
Source: Hesters Way Partnership (HWP)


Hesters Way, Springbank and Fiddlers Green
Neighbourhood Coordination Meeting

22nd February 2010 – 11am – 1pm, St Silas Church Centre

•      Sgt Paul Simmons advised that specific drugs misuse incidents reduced to 6 in last quarter with no Police warrants carried out in the period.  TARA representatives indicated that although reported incidents may have reduced new intelligence has been forwarded to Police today with considerably more incidents taking place not reported mainly due to high cost of calling the Police 0845 number from mobile phones.  Agreed it is vital for all incidents to be reported to give a true picture.  Suggested Bobby Bus visit EWH promoting ways to contact the Police and CBH freephone number.  Agreed calls from mobile phones are an issue although thought that some providers make provision for reduced call rates to 0800 numbers.
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Re: Police introduce charges for non-emergency cal
Reply #321 - Aug 19th, 2010 at 10:24am
This one's nearly a year old, but hasn't been mentioned in this forum before:



Best Use of Resources Board

10am Friday 9 October 2009, Malling House Meeting Room

0845 number – The current contract expires at the end of August 2011.  Changing to a different number will incur considerable costs (£400K), staying with 0845 will incur ongoing revenue costs of £81.5K.  Communications Dept is leading on scoping work.  Steve Waight stated he was keen to avoid a change as 0845 numbers are free on some networks and it is hoped this will be extended to others in due course.  Mark Baker confirmed a detailed business case would be required before any change was considered.

0845 numbers are now part of the free minutes with some packages as a result of the move by BT. But because of the way in which BT is regulated, it has little to loose by doing this and plenty to gain.

It is disappointing that Sussex Police continues to take a subsidy from callers in the vain hope that call providers in general will, maybe at some time, stop charging a premium.
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Re: Police introduce charges for non-emergency cal
Reply #322 - Aug 19th, 2010 at 10:39am


… He [Councillor Berdinner] also raised the problem of Herts Constabulary still using a 0845 number for the general public to ring in non-emergencies. This was a premium rate number and was especially expensive to ring from a mobile phone. The Clerk was asked to write to the Chief Constable asking when a 03 number would be introduced, in line with most other constabularies, which afforded a connection at local rates. …
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The Forum Ghost of NonGeographicalMan<b
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Re: Police introduce charges for non-emergency cal
Reply #323 - Sep 27th, 2010 at 11:14am
Dave wrote on Aug 19th, 2010 at 10:24am:
It is disappointing that Sussex Police continues to take a subsidy from callers in the vain hope that call providers in general will, maybe at some time, stop charging a premium.

Surrey Police continue to act in similarly disappointing fashion regarding their 0845 number after having dodged my FOI about how much revenue they earned from 0845 numbers or saved in terms of outgoing call costs and their FOI manager then forgetting to carry through a review of my request and disclose some information as he had promised.

So it seems I will need to attend a meeting of the Police Authority and ask a public question to the Chief Constable as to why my FOI was so deliberately evaded by Surrey Police and/or why they refuse to change their policy on using 0845 numbers.

It is very misleading indeed for figures like £400k to be quoted as they sound dramatically large but are an infinitessimal percentage of the total Police budget.  One also suspects they are not accurate if the Police were to shop around more between telecoms suppliers.
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Re: Police introduce charges for non-emergency cal
Reply #324 - Sep 27th, 2010 at 9:51pm
The movement away from police forces using 0845 numbers has now seemingly stopped, having previously been running at several a year. I hope that everyone does all they can to get the rest to switch over to 03.
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« Last Edit: Sep 27th, 2010 at 10:16pm by Dave »  
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The Forum Ghost of NonGeographicalMan<b
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Re: Police introduce charges for non-emergency cal
Reply #325 - Sep 27th, 2010 at 11:09pm
Dave wrote on Sep 27th, 2010 at 9:51pm:
The movement away from police forces using 0845 numbers has now seemingly stopped, having previously been running at several a year. I hope that everyone does all they can to get the rest to switch over to 03.

I fear that those Police forces who refuse to change are immune to almost all logical arguments on this subject and are the ones who seem to believe that the public is there to do as they are told by them rather than that they are there to do what the public wants.

I think pursuing this matter with the Home Office in terms of inconsistency in public access to non emergency Police services across the country can be the only productive way forward.   Of course I suspect some smoke screen will be the result such as reference to the so far stalled 101 non emergency service number.

I am concerned to find that the website www.crimestoppers.org.uk that supports our campaigning on this issue has now disappeared and would be interested to know why this has happened.
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« Last Edit: Sep 27th, 2010 at 11:12pm by NGMsGhost »  

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Re: Police introduce charges for non-emergency cal
Reply #326 - Nov 6th, 2010 at 8:37pm
The Scottish Parliament
16th Meeting, 2010 (Session 3)
Wednesday 6 October 2010


Members agreed to ask for an update on:
· Progress forces are making in adopting local non-emergency numbers and whether they are achieving the aims of improving access to non-emergency numbers and reducing the cost to callers. (paras 51-53)

Since the termination of the Single Non-Emergency Number project, forces continue to take different approaches to the development of local non-emergency numbers on the basis of force geography, contingency plans, marketing and re-branding costs, feedback from service users and the force’s own assessment of what constitutes best value.

Central: there have been no significant changes since 2009. The force continues to use a main number of 01786 456000 as well as local numbers for the Falkirk area, Callander etc.

Dumfries and Galloway: the force continues to use an 0845 number. They are continuing to maximise media and marketing opportunities to build awareness of this number. BT have confirmed that the average cost of a daytime call to this number from a BT landline is only 5p and an evening call 1.25p, although mobile charges will be higher.

Fife: in July 2010 the force completed a best value review of the Force Contact Centre. That review recognised the continuing misuse of the emergency 999 system and recommended a local marketing campaign to promote the use of the existing single non-emergency number (0845 600 5702.) The review has also recommended resolving more issues at first point of contact through closer links with partners, in particular Fife Council Contact Centre.

Grampian: there have been no significant changes since 2009. The force continues to use a single non-emergency number (0845 600 5700).

Lothian and Borders: the force is undertaking an end to end review of call demand and the processes involved in response to gain a better insight into the nature of the calls for service. Like Central, the force has one main non-emergency number (0131 311 3131) with an additional option outside Edinburgh of dialling local numbers at a local rate. Some consideration is being given to a move to an 0300 number.

Northern: local numbers are available as well as a force-wide non-emergency number (0845 600 5703.) Call handling is currently being considered as part of a shared services best value project.

Strathclyde: the force currently has a range of local non-emergency numbers which get directed to the force communications centre. Consideration is being given to the adoption of a single non-emergency number in the near future.

Tayside: Tayside replaced their 0845 number with an 0300 force-wide single non-emergency number in 2009, this reduced the costs to callers to a local call (irrespective of the carrier). The force is presently working with respective local authorities to scope the potential for the force to take local authority out of hours calls, this is anticipated to present future opportunities to integrate the use of the 0300 number with other non-emergency services locally.
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Re: Police introduce charges for non-emergency cal
Reply #327 - Nov 19th, 2010 at 1:55pm


He [Councillor Berdinner] also raised the problem of Herts Constabulary still using a 0845 number for the general public to ring in non-emergencies. This was a premium rate number and was especially expensive to ring from a mobile phone. The Clerk was asked to write to the Chief Constable asking when a 03 number would be introduced, in line with most other constabularies, which afforded a connection at local rates.
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Re: Police introduce charges for non-emergency cal
Reply #328 - Dec 8th, 2010 at 4:48pm
Source: Sheffield Star


Derbyshire police get new number
Published Date: 07 December 2010

Derbyshire Police is set to deactivate its old non-emergency number at the end of the month.

Its new number - 0345 1233333 - was introduced in December 2008 as the number to ring for non-999 calls.

Deputy Chief Constable Alan Goodwin said: "We introduced a new non-emergency number because the old number could not be used as part of a free-call package and it was expensive to ring from mobile telephones.

"During the last two years, we have been gradually phasing the old number out, replacing it on documents, leaflets and other literature.

"We hope that by operating the two numbers alongside each other for the past two years, people will now be used to ringing the 0345 number."

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The Forum Ghost of NonGeographicalMan<b
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Re: Police introduce charges for non-emergency cal
Reply #329 - Dec 15th, 2010 at 7:24pm
Dave wrote on Dec 8th, 2010 at 4:48pm:
"We hope that by operating the two numbers alongside each other for the past two years, people will now be used to ringing the 0345 number."…

And even if they aren't I'm sure it will be no more difficult to put an announcement on the 0845 number telling people to call the 0345 number instead than it was when the geographic number was originally replaced by the 0845 number. Wink
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