farci wrote on Sep 27
th, 2007 at 9:02am:
Dear Mr Aitken,
You are quoted in THE HERALD today as supporting the idea of a police non-emergency number.
Mr Aitken clearly knows nothing about telecoms:
Quote:Bill Aitken MSP, the Tories' justice spokesman, agreed with Acpos. He said: "One option to consider is the creation of a national non-emergency phone number, such as 888. The call could be received at a central point and a message sent to the local divisional police office."
Local numbers begin 888, so you can't have another 'short number' like that.

I was going to say quote Recommendation 29 of
Sir David Varney's review of public services, but since devolution, I suppose that doesn't hold any weight and there would have to be another similar review conducted in Scotland.

Or does it?
Quote:On 'contact centres': 29 improving immediate access to public service departments and agencies and then to
rationalise telephone numbers by: - coordinating the implementation of a public sector wide number strategy utilising the new 0300 number range, to simplify access and tariffs for citizens and businesses to all departments and local authorities; ...
The COI's publication "Better practice guidance for government contact centres" 2nd edition advises that 0845 "may be seen as a barrier to some individuals and migration should be considered."