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BBC Sports Personality of the year (Read 16,783 times)
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BBC Sports Personality of the year
Nov 4th, 2012 at 8:47am
Wheelchair access is still available on 0844 9959672.

After the Olympics scandal you would have thought people would have learnt that this is inappropriate. I assume this is because booking is contracted out to a booking agency who use these numbers
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Re: BBC Sports Personality of the year
Reply #1 - Nov 7th, 2012 at 2:52pm
I've complained to the BBC. After the Olympics scandal of wheelchair users having to use and 0844 number to book I can't believe the BBC is doing this, especially as they are pretty good at using 03 numbers now. Suspect the booking has been subcontracted out (as per the Olympics) and nobody thought to check this wasn't being done.
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Re: BBC Sports Personality of the year
Reply #2 - Nov 21st, 2012 at 1:22pm

Dear xxxxxx

** Reference removed **

Thanks for contacting us regarding ‘BBC Sports Personality of the Year’.

We apologise for the delay in replying. We realise that our correspondents appreciate a quick response and we’re sorry that you had to wait on this occasion.

We were very concerned to learn of your clear unhappiness about See Tickets using an 0844 phone number for disabled people wishing to book tickets to the upcoming BBC Sports Personality of the Year 2012 event.

Whilst we had taken advice on the matter previously and as 08 numbers are not 'premium rate' and can be included in some free or discounted call packages, we fully recognise your concerns thus we discussed the matter with the senior members of our programme production team and with their opposite numbers at See Tickets, the agency handling the tickets for us.

In essence we agree with your point and so this week we have agreed that an 03 number will be made available instead of the 08 number. This new number - 0333 567 0153 - is now reflected on the See Tickets webpage and we have all endeavoured to promote it through various means.

We would like to apologise for any annoyance caused by the 08 number initially but we thank you for letting us know about it, allowing us to investigate and take action to fix the issue.

Please again accept our apologies for the unfortunate delay and thanks for taking the time to contact us.

Kind Regards

** Name removed **

BBC Complaints


~ Edited by Dave: Name and reference removed
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« Last Edit: Nov 21st, 2012 at 1:58pm by Dave »  
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Re: BBC Sports Personality of the year
Reply #3 - Nov 21st, 2012 at 5:19pm
Well done Keith for raising it, it does show that sometimes organisations do listen & should inspire others to follow your example!
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Re: BBC Sports Personality of the year
Reply #4 - Nov 21st, 2012 at 8:15pm
and as 08 numbers are not 'premium rate' and can be included in some free or discounted call packages,

While 09 numbers are designated "Premium Rate Services", call costs for 08 numbers beginning 084 and 087 still include a service charge (or premium by another name).

Some 08 numbers are included in "some free or discounted call packages", but these never include 0842, 0843, 0844, 0871, 0872, 0873 numbers.

This means that calls to the above numbers will always cost more than calling a standard 01 or 02 geographic number or calling a non-geographic 03 number.

Although the outcome of your complaint is good, the BBCs reply reveals a distinct lack of understanding of the core issue.
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Re: BBC Sports Personality of the year
Reply #5 - Nov 21st, 2012 at 8:33pm
Can I echo Barbara's sentiments; well done Keith and well done to the BBC for considering the points he made and responding accordingly.
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Re: BBC Sports Personality of the year
Reply #6 - Nov 21st, 2012 at 11:14pm
I'll third that  Grin  Well done Keith and BBC  Grin

Maybe this brilliant action and reaction can be used as an example for Other Offenders out there.
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Re: BBC Sports Personality of the year
Reply #7 - Nov 22nd, 2012 at 11:06am
Thanks everyone, but to be honest the credit is not for me but the BBC. After all these years campaigning I can honestly say I have only had two really positive successes namely this one and Surrey County Council (see past posts) and both times it has been because of an organisation that took the complaint seriously.

Re catj comments - yes I spotted that  and it frustrated me also, but I decided to gloss over it and celebrate the good news.

Like the Olympics similar situation it looks like this is contracted out and the number being offered is not checked beforehand. Clearly an organisation offering the service to the BBC/Olympics/whoever using an 0844 number can offer a more competitive price than someone who is not (but at the cost of the public).

As SCV knows I have been waging a campaign against GPs using 0844 numbers in Surrey for years. It has been huge with correspondence now in 3 figures I think. Surrey PCT and now their replacement body are completely and utterly incompetent. Their responses are just sole destroying. So this success does lift the spirits. Please, please feel free to use it as an example to others who are misusing 08 numbers.
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Re: BBC Sports Personality of the year
Reply #8 - Nov 22nd, 2012 at 4:13pm
Keith wrote on Nov 22nd, 2012 at 11:06am:
Their responses are just sole destroying. So this success does lift the spirits. Please, please feel free to use it as an example to others who are misusing 08 numbers.

Yes Keith, it can be hard on the shoe leather but also good for the soul or, as you say, lift the spirit (pun intended).   Smiley Wink
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« Last Edit: Nov 22nd, 2012 at 4:15pm by loddon »  
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Re: BBC Sports Personality of the year
Reply #9 - Nov 22nd, 2012 at 5:51pm
Oh dear, oh for a spellchecker that knows the difference between words that sound the same, there, their, they're.
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Re: BBC Sports Personality of the year
Reply #10 - Dec 31st, 2012 at 2:29pm
Slowly the maverick sections of the BBC which deviate from the main move to 03 numbers several years ago are being reined in.  BBC Question Time's production company Mentorn held out for a long time but eventually introduced an 03 number for its audience Ticket Line.  See Tickets being forced to drop their general love of 0844 numbers for the Disabled Line for BBC events due to Keith's actions are another example.

The remaining problem area is phone lines for numerous BBC local radio stations.  The original excuse given for the retention of 0844 and/or 0845 was that this was due to these stations operating separately outside the central BBC's policy on phone lines that led to 03 numbers being introduced.

With the huge public embarassment the BBC has recently suffered over the Saville scandal I would suggest that any further suggestions to its new Director General about any way in which it can further clean its corporate image and appear Whiter Than White might be responded to positively at the current time.

The person at the BBC originally responsible for writing the Board paper that led to the adoption of 03 numbers for their main call centres was Michael Stock, Head of Business and Partnerships.  As his current Linked In entry at http://uk.linkedin.com/in/michaelstock2010 still lists him as having a position of Executive Leadership at the BBC I would presume he can therefore still be contacted via his email address of michael.stock@bbc.co.uk

The well written article at http://finance.boston.com/boston/news/read/20761429/why_03_numbers_are_growing_i... which clearly sets out the advantages of 03 numbers and why the main BBC initially switched to using them might also provide further useful ammunition for anyone planning to write to the BBC Director General and/or BBC Chairman and other Members of the BBC Trust on this topic.
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« Last Edit: Dec 31st, 2012 at 2:34pm by NGMsGhost »  

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aka NHS.Patient, DH_fairtelecoms

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Re: BBC Sports Personality of the year
Reply #11 - Dec 31st, 2012 at 3:27pm
Thanks for the link to the (indeed, well written) Telecoms World article.

Following the forthcoming Ofcom announcements (expected next month), the fair telecoms campaign intends to publish a series of short briefings for the benefit of campaigners who wish to put pressure on organisations that should have moved to 03 long ago, but will be under even greater pressure to do so once the "unbundled tariff" and the forthcoming requirement to declare "Service Charges" has been formally announced.

The BBC local radio stations that still use 0845 numbers will be encouraged to cover the story, as they have covered stories with contributions from the campaign in the past. As we have been told that have autonomy in respect of their decision to retain 0845 numbers, they need to be contacted individually. That is not to say that there is any reason not to seek intervention from the centre.

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