You're lucky if the geographic number works at all, the number listed for Eastleigh (023 8061 9866) doesn't accept incoming calls. The website is currently not working - maybe it never does. Surely a company wouldn't try and force you to use a 0871 number

Also, trying to sort things out from the main hdnl web site is only possible if you have the long code from the retailer, I can't find any way of searching by (missed delivery) reference number on the main hdnl web site.
And, the cheaper number 08448111816 is dead.
Thus, for missed deliveries, the only option for some of us is to pay 10 pence or more a minute.
I don't see the value of the customer relations details - we're not customers of hdnl. One way of stirring things up a bit might be to use the main hdnl web site to pretend to be prospective clients (ie retailers) looking to use hdnl. We could explain that we are retailers who like to treat our customers, who would be their delivery recipients, like dirt, and sense some synergy between our organisations. If enough of us do this it might have some effect.
My first post. I don't think I've broken any rules - I've been careful to ensure that the preceeding paragraph could not be proven to be defamatory.