Dave wrote on Aug 18
th, 2010 at 8:34pm:
http://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/8334386.Hospital_restores_01268_code_to_its_numb... Quote:Hospital restores 01268 code to its number
BASILDON Hospital has re-instated the 01268 dialling code to its telephone number following pleas from the public.
The move follows concerns from some people who confused the normal rate 0845 number with a premium 0870 telephone number, which is in fact, much more expensive.
A hospital spokesman said: “We have listened to the concerns voiced by our patients and the public since the introduction of the 0845 number.
“We introduced that number so our switchboard can operate from a different venue, namely Orsett Hospital, in the event of a disaster, such as a fire."
This is good news but it raises a few important questions and goes to illustrate that many responsible people in the NHS are still themselves very confused and misunderstand the telephone numbering system and associated charging regimes. This hospital spokesman was presumably well prepared to make the quoted statements and yet still said several things which knowledgeable people would seriously question.
The most surprising thing about this announcement is that
there is no reference whatsoever to the "Directions" issued by the Dept of Health and announced by the Health Minister that numbers such as 0845 are banned if they cause patients pay more for a call than if they had dialled a normal geographic number. The hospital states this change is entirely due to pressure from patients?

Are we really expected to believe this? Is this purely a coincidence that it comes shortly after the "banning" of 084 numbers within the NHS?

The hospital says “
We introduced that number so our switchboard can operate from a different venue, namely Orsett Hospital, in the event of a disaster, such as a fire." This is revealing because it exposes the lies perpetrated by the phone service industry and others when they claim, as they have over many years, that this sort of flexibility and ability to redirect calls, is only available by using rip-off 084/7 numbers and this is one of the justifications they use for 084/7 numbers instead of normal geographic numbers.

The spokesman said "
The move follows concerns from some people who confused the normal rate 0845 number with a premium 0870 telephone number, which is in fact, much more expensive." We've got news for this spokesman --- the public are NOT confused at all -- you are!! We know that all 084/7 numbers are a rip-off!! You clearly don't understand what you are talking about!!

The spokesman still makes reference to the exceptional case of BT which currently includes 0845 and 0870 numbers within its packages, as though that is meaningful, but fails to mention that BT continues to charge premium rates to all other callers outside its packages.
It is a pity that it is necessary to criticise a hospital and its spokesman after it has made a highly commendable decision and has done the right thing -- at last. But this criticism is caused by the intransigence and determination of those in key positions to continue to put about misleading informatuion and their failure to be honest with the public!!

When are they going to start being honest and straightforward with the public?