You remind me of the need to put in a formal question on this to Surrey Police Authority at one of their future public meetings (see and to also brief local journalists in advance that a question will be asked on this matter. This is the only way in which this issue will become a priority for Surrey Police and funding will be found to address it.
The repeated obstinate intransigence of Surrey Police's senior management on this matter is extremely disappointing (they cannot be unaware of it since I asked the Chief Constable a public question on the matter at the annual meeting of Surrey Police Authority around 6 years ago when I was still a district councillor which received press coverage at the time) given the switch of Surrey County Council's contact centre to 03 numbers and that their Contact Centre Manager responsible for their 03 number implementation project (Simon Pollock or SimonFromSurrey on this forum) told he would be trying to make clear to Surrey Police the current error of their ways.
Not only are these 0845 numbers not part of nearly all mobile phone providers bundled minutes but they also cost 10 times as much per minute to call from a BT Payphone.
This is something Surrey Police need reminding of when they prattle on about how 0845 numbers are cheaper in the weekday daytime to call than 01/02/03 numbers and/or go about how they are part of the inclusive minutes of BT's inclusive calling plans.
Most disappointing is that Surrey Police do actually have a geographic alternative number in the shape of their main switchboard at their Mount Browne HQ but they refuse to publish it anywhere on their website or in their official literature.

Here is the schedule for Surrey Police Authority's Public Meetings in 2011.
The one scheduled for Mole Valley on 28th March 2011 looks especially appropriate given my own location and my former connections with this local authority.
Quote:Surrey Police Authority Meetings 2011
07 February 2011 10am, Council Chambers, Waverley Borough Council
28 March 2011 10am, Council Chambers, Mole Valley District Council
19 May 2011 10am, Large Conference room at Surrey Police HQ Mount Browne
30 June 2011 10am, Large Conference room at Surrey Police HQ Mount Browne
08 September 2011 10am, Council Chambers, Elmbridge Borough Council
03 November 2011 10am, Large Conference room at Surrey Police HQ Mount Browne
15 December 2011 10am, Large Conference room at Surrey Police HQ Mount Browne
If anyone else lives in or near Surrey and could go to one of the other meetings and ask a question on this issue I am sure that it would help Surrey Police Authority to get the message they must switch to an 03 number.