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Health services using 03xx numbers (Read 66,546 times)
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Health services using 03xx numbers
Oct 13th, 2008 at 9:17am
I've started a new thread to mention those NHS services which are now using 03xx numbers. My thinking is that this is purely a thread for positive news, so no bad reports of rip-off doctors here.

Source: Malvern Gazette


New out-of-hours medical service launched
11:10am Sunday 12th October 2008
By Tarik Al Rasheed

AN enhanced ‘Out of Hours’ medical service has been launched in Malvern this week.

Independent healthcare provider Take Care Now (TCN) has now taken over provision of the service, which allows patients to access medical support for issues that cannot wait until their GP surgery is open.

The Out of Hours service operates between 6.30pm-8am Monday to Friday, and 24 hours at weekends and anyone requiring the service should call the new Out of Hours phone number 0300 123 3211.



More information on the provider of this service, Take Care Now or TCN on its website.
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Re: Health services using 03xx numbers
Reply #1 - Oct 13th, 2008 at 9:28am
Source: Evesham Journal


New out of hours service for Evesham residents

4:55pm Tuesday 7th October 2008
By Pat Smith

RESIDENTS living in the Vale of Evesham have a new out of hours medical service.

People needing medical attention after surgery closing times will need to ring the new number - 0300 123 3211 - at a cost of less than 1p per minute.


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« Last Edit: Oct 13th, 2008 at 9:29am by Dave »  
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Re: Health services using 03xx numbers
Reply #2 - Oct 13th, 2008 at 2:14pm
I started this thread for good news. I've found another out of hours urgent GP service which has recently gone to a 0300 number. That's two in one day!

Source: Evening Chronicle


Mum backs out-of-hours care number
Oct 13 2008 by Helen Rae, Evening Chronicle

A mother is supporting a health campaign for out-of-hours treatment, after a GP helped her daughter. Health Reporter HELEN RAE finds out more

A TYNESIDE mum is backing a new health campaign which aims to help families in the region access the right treatment out-of-hours, after her two-year-old daughter was struck down with gastroenteritis during the night.

The campaign is being run by out-of-hours GP provider Northern Doctors Urgent Care (NDUC), in partnership with NHS North of Tyne.

It’s aim is to ensure families living in Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland, know how to access the correct treatment should they fall ill when their GP surgery is closed.

An NHS telephone number – 0300 123 4343 – for patients to access out-of-hours treatment with a doctor is being launched.

The line will be charged at a reduced rate for local calls, numbers using evening and weekend lower rate packages, and calls from mobile phones.


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Re: Health services using 03xx numbers
Reply #3 - Oct 13th, 2008 at 2:19pm
Another article on Worcestershire's new out of hours GP service from Worcester News:

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Re: Health services using 03xx numbers
Reply #4 - Oct 14th, 2008 at 9:45pm
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Re: Health services using 03xx numbers
Reply #5 - Nov 3rd, 2008 at 3:12am
kasg wrote on Oct 14th, 2008 at 9:45pm:
So how can the PCT's ethically or rationally be bringing in centralised 0300 out of hours numbers themselves whilst allowing individual doctors surgeries in their areas to go on using 0844 numbers for calls during normal surgery opening hours. Huh Undecided Roll Eyes
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« Last Edit: Nov 3rd, 2008 at 3:13am by NGMsGhost »  

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Re: Health services using 03xx numbers
Reply #6 - Nov 5th, 2008 at 4:46am
An interesting piece of marketing for 03 is found on the BT website - here

What are 03 numbers and why are they being introduced?

A new UK-wide 03 number range is being introduced as an alternative to numbers beginning with 08 (e.g. 0870 and 0845). The introduction of the new 03 numbers will enable organisations such as charities, banks and the NHS to offer consumers a single telephone number for the whole of the UK, at the same cost as calls to geographic numbers (e.g. those beginning 01 or 02).

How much will it cost to make a call to and from an 03 number?

Calls to 03 numbers will cost the same as calls to landline numbers, and will be included as part of any inclusive call minutes or discount schemes for geographic calls.

Can anyone suggest what NHS single number for the whole of the UK they may be thinking of?

Charities and banks are not conspicuous amongst early adopters of 03 numbers. There is no reference to BT's own success with Police services.
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Re: Health services using 03xx numbers
Reply #7 - May 5th, 2009 at 8:41pm
Source: Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust


Mental Health Crisis Helpline Covers Whole of Surrey and North East Hampshire
Last modified 01-04-2009 15:50

A new Telephone Crisis Helpline that people with mental health problems anywhere in Surrey and North East Hampshire can call in times of crisis or distress opens on April 1.

The new number is 0300 456 83 42

The service is funded by NHS Surrey and provided by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. It is staffed by care professionals who are experienced in working with people with mental health issues.

The Crisis Helpline is available out of hours from 5.00pm to 9.00am Monday to Friday with 24-hour cover at weekends including Bank Holidays. If the lines are busy, the call will be diverted to an answer-phone which will enable the caller to leave their contact details for someone to call back within half an hour.

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Re: Health services using 03xx numbers
Reply #8 - May 31st, 2009 at 12:55am
Source: Sefton PCT


New number to quit

Smokers in Sefton can call a new telephone number for help and advice to kick the habit.

The number – 0300 100 1000 – is easy to remember and is exclusively for Sefton residents.

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Re: Health services using 03xx numbers
Reply #9 - May 31st, 2009 at 11:20am
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« Last Edit: May 31st, 2009 at 11:47am by Dave »  
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Re: Health services using 03xx numbers
Reply #10 - Jun 11th, 2009 at 5:27pm
Greater Manchester NHS Clinical Assessment & Treatment Service - run by Care UK for the NHS, use an 0333 number.

(Prominent position on their home page.)
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Re: Health services using 03xx numbers
Reply #11 - Sep 7th, 2009 at 9:35pm
Sefton PCT has re-launched the 0300 100 1000 helpline as "Healthy Sefton" having previously introduced it earlier this year as a stop-smoking service:

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Re: Health services using 03xx numbers
Reply #12 - Dec 23rd, 2009 at 9:00pm
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Re: Health services using 03xx numbers
Reply #13 - Dec 30th, 2009 at 2:41am

NHS stress hotline launched across England

An NHS helpline to help people struggling with stress has been launched by the government.

The service is available across England, following concerns about the mounting problems people will face in coming months because of the economy.

Trained health advisers will staff the hotline - available on 0300 123 2000 - from 0800 to 2200 each day.

They will offer advice on debt, housing and employment, but can also put people in touch with mental health services.

It is estimated that a quarter of people with mental health problems experience debt, but a third of those do not ask for any help.

Average household debt is now almost £10,000, excluding mortgages, and recent surveys suggest up to half the population is worried about money because of the recession.

Care services minister Phil Hope said: "After the festive season many of us take a long hard look at our finances.

"Tightening our belts and getting out of debt always features high on the list of new year resolutions.

"But debt can have a serious impact on a person's mental wellbeing, causing stress, depression and even suicidal thoughts."

Jacqui Jedrzejewski, the mental health lead at NHS Direct, said the advisers were there to "offer sympathetic, relevant support and advice".

She added: "We know the credit crunch hits people in many different ways and job insecurity, redundancy, debt and money problems can all cause feelings of distress and helplessness."

The launch of the stress service, after a six-month pilot, comes after the government set out a new mental health strategy earlier this month.

The 10-year plan involved a series of measures, including the appointment of mental health co-ordinators to work with Job Centres.

Dedicated advice lines are also to be set up for small businesses to give their staff direct access to occupational health professionals to help them stay in work, while government-backed work placements are to be piloted to help people return to work.

Calls to 03 numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number and must count towards any inclusive minutes, according to Ofcom.

These rules apply to calls from any type of line including mobiles, landlines or payphones.

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Re: Health services using 03xx numbers
Reply #14 - Dec 30th, 2009 at 8:21am

It seems the penny has dropped at last, the Government does understand what 0300 is for and how it should be properly used.     So why don't they now make the 0345 4647 number available for NHS Direct?      And also give proper directions to the rest of the NHS about use of 0300 or at least banning premium rate numbers such as 0845 and 0844?
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